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Supercharge your Startup's Crypto Journey

Our Startup Credit Program will give you access to the tools and infrastructure you need to unlock the power of seamless fiat-to-crypto conversion for your users.

Apply today to get access to a wide suite of tools for your crypto journey

Program Benefits

Credits worth $4000

Free credits redeemable across all product offerings under Mudrex CaaS within 6 months

Zero Setup Fee

One time setup fee worth $5000 waived off completely

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No Monthly Commitment

No minimum monthly billing for 6 months worth $6000

Lifetime Free Wallet

Free acess to crypto wallet for your business for lifetime

Newsletter Mentions

One free mention in Mudrex's weekly newsletter with 750k+ subscribers

Dedicated Support

Access to priority service with onboarding and integration support and test sandbox

Save upto $15,000 on all the tools you need to onboard your first crypto users!!

Do you qualify?

The Startup Credit Program benefits are applicable for early stage startups and projects. Check if you are eligible.

To be considered for the Startup Credit Program, the project must be

  • Founded in or after 2021

  • Must be associated with one of our partners & have total funding between 250K$ - 5M$

  • If not associated with our partners, but have total funding between 250K$ - 3M$

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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am already an existing customer?

What are the eligibility requirements?

What happens if I misrepresent my startup’s eligibility?

How can I apply for the Startup Credit Program?

I am a solopreneur running the business using my savings and funding from family and friends. Can I apply for the program?

I have applied for the program. How long will it take for me to be accepted and receive the credits?

What is the duration of the Startup Credit Program?

Which countries do you accept applications from?

What is the pricing post the offer period?

Can I apply for the credits more than once through different incubators or startup enablers?

What happens to the unused credits at the end of the offer period?

Can the credits be encashed?

Build your Startup with Mudrex today!

2021 Mudrex Inc. All rights reserved

Address: 1013 Centre Rd., Suite 403-B, Wilmington, DE 19805